Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Moon; Lovers, Lunatics, Poets and ET

The Moon, Lovers, Lunatics, Poets and ET
lunatic |ˈloōnəˌtik| noun: ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from Latin luna ‘moon’ (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).
Shakespeare knew something was up…(no pun intended)
Even though the moon is often associated with virginity, it's also linked to sexual desire. Egeus tells us that Lysander has often serenaded Hermia "by moonlight" (1.1.2) and Shakespeare reminds us over and over again that, when the lovers chase each other around in the woods, the action occurs "in the moonlight."
There's also a sense that that the moon is partially responsible for the lovers' erratic behavior. Because the moon has different phases and it "waxes and wanes," Elizabethans thought of it as fickle and inconstant. (Remember from Romeo and Juliet: "Swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon"?) The moon's fickleness reflects the lovers' tendency to fall in and out of love like a bunch of madmen. At one point, Theseus declares that "the lunatic, the lover and the poet / Are of imagination all compact" (5.1.1). As we know, the term "lunatic" comes from the word "lunar," which means "of the moon."
A  Trance Channeler  and Nat-Geo ...strange bedfellows indeed~
“The moon is a satellite that was constructed. It was built and anchored outside Earth’s atmosphere as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or ‘eye in the sky’. It affects all life forms on this planet, beyond what you can currently grasp. In your history there are references to two moons around earth…”—Barbara Marciniak  ( trance channels a collective of multi-dimensional beings from 
the Pleiades)

Earth Had Two Moons, New Model Suggests (National Geographic)

The Math in the Moon

The Moon is the exact size and distance from the Earth to create a ‘perfect’ eclipse.........

It is time to listen to what feels right, not what sounds right. 
The current control system  is light years beyond us. A cosmic firewall or Moon Matrix  is in place between humanity and true information. It is possible the moon is being used as a blocking device to keep humanity from decoding real information that would change the world of humanity by transmitting frequencies which deceive the masses and protect those in control. 
Source- David Icke

And Further weird....

Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (Paperback)-Ingo Swann
Ingo Swann is THE 'original' remote view-er. He worked with The Stanford Research Institute, SRI, and many government agencies for years. Ingo Swann tells of his involvement with a very secret government agency that asked him to remote view the dark side of the Earth's Moon. Swann saw extensive buildings, roads, and human forms digging.
Swann makes it very clear that our government is very much intimidated by these ETs. He says to the government agent: "They've somehow got you by the balls, haven't they? That's why you are resorting to psychic perceptions...They are NOT friendly are they?..."
Swann also describes his encounter with a live alien in a Los Angeles supermarket and confirms that ET civilization has been infiltrating the Earth in humanoid bodies. Swann's friends warn him: "There are alot of THEM, you know, and many of them are bio-androids...they realize that Earth psychics are their only enemies."

Curious that  new copies of this 1988 paperback are over $550.00 ! and used at $220.00 !
Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy

SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

How Now T-TAU Kali wow ~!~

In "The Circular." (vol.4,No.4) the crop circle  researchers are finding new things about the five-pointed star.  The five-pointed star can be laid out within the T-cross as seen below....

The most interesting is the T-shaped pattern that reveals a reversed (two points upward) five-pointed star in it's geometry as seen here....

I think the shape is related to the T-type Tau. The three lower circles could be the lower chakras, with the upper ones representing the upper four.  The central bisected circle is the Dual Deity symbol and the heart chakra.  This suggests the duality balancing involved in the change to the heart chakra.  

I felt some confirmation when I read Charles Holderness's article.  He says the formation might resemble the chakra system.  The five-pointed star is related to Kali in the Tantric book.  I am enclosing two pages from The Sacred Symbols Of Mu about the T-Tau.  You can see the similarity to the crop formation.  It could be that the T-Tau becomes the Tau Cross when the flower, like an aperture opening, blossoms.  The Seventh Ray comes through, connecting us to the Divine.

I happened to read the first pages of Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine around the time I was reading the "Circular" articles. She explains the meanings of various glyphs found in very ancient documents.  Every one has appeared as a crop formation in various forms.  Among them are the T-Tau, and the bisected circle.  She then tells of the reversed five-pointed star as being a symbol of the Kali Yuga.  All this seemed to coincidentally tie in to the Charley Knoll formation, and the ideas I reported in my "Pollen Path" essay.  It seems to hint that the Kali-Yuga involves the lower three chakras.

I have been pondering about the way to best present all this material in the book.  The nature of the subject and the unusual way it came to me is difficult to sort out into a logical, chronological story.  The chronology, that is to say, the order in which the ideas came will be more difficult to follow in this form.  I will include dates or general timing, as it is important.  The point is to show that the dream-coincidences are predictive.  To me, this is one of the most convincing parts of it.
- Forest Crawford

SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Weekly WTF'S

The weekly WTF'S ? :

Scientists did not break speed of light - it was a faulty wire(?)
2012 02 25
Physicists who shocked the scientific world by claiming to have shown particles could move faster than the speed of light have admitted it was a mistake due to a faulty wire connection.
WTF?  Get your Einstein bust off the shelf and dust it off......

Last week Anonymous announced Operation Global Blackout, a plan to shut down the Internet on March 31. WTF? If you don't see a FB post or Blog from me on that date you'll know why..... Hides of March?

However, the outrageous statement of a Japanese politician pretty well sums up the level of understanding of the parasitic political class “Smile, and the radiation won’t hurt you.” WTF?the parasitic political class
the parasitic political class
the parasitic political class
Poly-TICS = many blood sucking parasites

aliens ufo 150x150 Aliens UFO: Irrefutable Evidence Found and Presented By Scientists 2012
Aliens UFO: Irrefutable Evidence Found and Presented By Scientists 2012
The artifacts were found 55 years ago by a tribe in central Mexico, they have been using many of these artifacts around their necks as decorations, necklaces, etc. …and re-discovered to the world in 2011!  WTF?

My, you have BIG EYES.........

Check out foamhenge in virginia


SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Neo Syntients

"The technology already exists to build a system that will destroy the whole world, intentionally or unintentionally, if it just detects the right conditions," - Shlomo Zilberstein, a professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts.

You'll hear a lot of talk about Humans vs. Robots scenarios.....however it is the middle path of the augmented Man/machine or Machine/man that I view as the most likely scenario...
The great divergence 
The Machine augmented Neo syntients and the ordinary humans.
Signs of the impending split:
Nano sized chips in pills and vaccines turning each person into a more efficient and track-able unit vs. social security number
GMO foods more suitable to neo syntient's functions
Geo engineering of climate to create a more plasma charged atmosphere to speed communications and control the noosphere. (entire atmosphere becomes networked display visible to neo syntients boosted vision)
Onboard or embedded interface for receiving immediate task skill instruction sets from the network (direct to brain computer learning).
Augmented capabilities above current human limits such  (super soldiers).
Enhanced psychic abilities with onboard nano managed chemical agents for burst mode of super human feats
Remote control activation destruct option for captured or compromised units.
Single neo sentient control of a flock of drones via thought.
Cloaking ability.

The Clone and Transhumanist Memes

Increasing use of Virtual presence vs. physical presence
Machines already trade most stocks….
Those machines are viewing news articles by programs  produced by machines that create them from available content.
Machine to machine communication is the fastest growing form of communication…
Machines filtering what humans write or post….
Oh and then theres this..In the continuing saga of data security firm HBGary, a new caveat has come to light: not only did they plot to help destroy secrets outlet WikiLeaks and discredit progressive bloggers, they also crafted detailed proposals for software that manages online “personas,” allowing a single human to assume the identities of as many fake people as they’d like.
Downvote bots……
and this:It is therefore not impossible that the government is hiring cheap labor to downvote stories on the social media sites which question the government, and to post pro-government comments.
Government propagandists, their hired private contractors and useful idiots are creating “downvote bots” or scripts to bury stories which question the government.
lots more in this vein…
the neo sentients aim to control both the merely human on one hand and the pure machine on the other…..
They aim to be superior to any machine or human by taking the best of both and starting down a new timeline….
How many of your "friends" are 100% organic "old school" humans?

SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 

May I Land My Kinky Machine ?

Starfleet to scoutship, please give your position, Over. I'm in orbit around the third planet from the star called the sun. Over.
You mean its the earth? Over. Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over. I think we should take a look.
Strange beautiful grass of green, With your majestic silver seas,
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer.
 May I land my kinky machine ....
Although your world wonders me, With your majestic and superior cackling hen,
Your people I do not understand, 
So to you I shall put an end...
And you'll Never hear Surf music again
Secret Oh, secret Oh Shhhh... 

 -Jimi Hendrix lyrics from the song Third Stone From The Sun
Hendrix Knew a whole lot more than the average human walking on terra.... I liked his vibration the first time I heard it....He played his own tuning which is a half step below standard guitar tuning and is nowadays referred to as "Hendrix Tuning" Jimi was onto the fact that standard 440 Hz tuning was not the best vibes for music....Jimi's prose and "message" is not nearly as well known as his Stellar guitar playing and  avant guard style....

I have a recording of a channeled session of Jimi Hendrix sometime after his Departure wherein he states that his songs are Sound Forms that create future possibilities the more they are played...indeed he said that when he passed away he wanted people to keep playing his music.....Jimi was a Architect of sound....

Think about the lyrics here.....The idea that a group of advanced ET's could scout the earth and decide that a Hen is the most impressive creature on earth.....(hint: Hens do not build Nuclear weapons, use depleted Uranium to kill, or create Bio warfare agents) and that these ET's could, on a whim destroy the entire human not only possible but even more probable today than when Jimi wrote these lyrics.
I mean who needs another Viral and violent humanoid species invading the entire body of the Galaxy?

Cheers Peace and Love ~!~

SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 

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