The Plot
My friends,
PLOT is a 4 letter word. Ahem.
When we purchase a parcel of land they call it a Plot, Or Lot which derives from Plot. Land is divided into Plots.
Our lot is now part of their Plot.
Even if we pay 100% cash for our Plot of land we don't really own it. They lied. Well it's a Plot after all isn't it?
Because… if we don't pay "property taxes" on the Plot that we supposedly "own" to the crown? to the man? every year, forever, they will put a lien on our Plot of land and eventually auction it off on their Courthouse steps to the highest bidder.
A Plot in the truest sense of the word. Clever devils.
And when a house is built on that Plot it becomes part and parcel of the PLOT!
It is now "improved" property.
The person who really owns the Plot owns all the added improvements to the PLOT. The Plot Thickens.
My friends, we have been duped. Hoodwinked.
We own nothing more than a "limited option" to sell the Plot we bought from the last option holder to another future option holder, and only then if we keep making the yearly tribute or tax payment to the real owners and creators of the Plot. The House. (no pun intended).
House of Lords. The House (congress).
There is never a time even after 100 years when we shall truely own our Plot "Free and Clear".
And if we want to protect our "option" we must buy "Title Insurance".
Now, may I interest you in a land Plot, er, Plot of land?
This Plot is a lot of Rot! (pun intended).
a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose,especially a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot tooverthrow the government.
Also called storyline. the plan, scheme, or main story of aliterary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story.
a small piece or area of ground: a garden plot; burial plot.
a measured piece or parcel of land: a house on a two-acreplot.
EXPANDa plan, map, diagram, or other graphic representation, as ofland, a building, etc.
verb (used with object)
to plan secretly, especially something hostile or evil: to plotmutiny.
to mark on a plan, map, or chart, as the course of a ship oraircraft.
to draw a plan or map of, as a tract of land or a building.
to divide (land) into plots.
to determine and mark (points), as on plotting paper, bymeans of measurements or coordinates.
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Wheels within wheels?
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426,750 YEARS TILL THE END OF THE VEDIC AGE OF KALI YUGA (CYCLE OF 4 YUGA'S/AGES) बेगिन विजार्ड वावेस्पेल्ल २ ऑफ़तिमेलेस्स्नेस.