Pete3003uk - Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 04:26 PMRussia and the United States will hold joint nuclear security drills under the auspices of the bilateral military cooperation committee, the U.S. Department of State said.__The exercise, codename Crimson Rider, will take place at the Camp Guernsey base in Wyoming. The exact date of the exercise is yet to be announced.__The drills, focusing on counter-terrorism measures, will involve a vehicle used for transporting nuclear warheads.__The drills are aimed at exchanging tactical and technical experience in providing security for nuclear materials. Russian and U.S. servicemen will also train to prevent proliferation of self-made explosive devices.__ sounds like a joint venture for a good reason and I wonder what the “Crimson Rider” is? Something red that is traveling?_
Rm>>>> Something like NIBIRU ? or Nibiru's Advance Skirmishers The Elenin Cluster?
Visable in Infrared?
The truth is that the satellite Stereo presents a series of anomalies that are not clearly visible unless Elenin justify the cause, and suggest that what is coming is something quite different from a simple "comet."
Many serious attempts at independent analysis of what has already been renamed the "cluster" Elenin
It looks more like a planet with moons or a small solar system. In fact it looks quite similar to the cluster image taken from the south pole station of Nibiru that has become a heated topic of discussion.....
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