Enough to fill your average mental swimming pool that's how many >>>
We waded in and panned for the GOLD >>> You Love us Long time for this maybe ~!~
Names of people:
Cain, and Able got your attenion? We pause for a short FREAK OUT!
Carl,Clarence,Dulcinea,Ladybird (Virgin Mary + Bird), Balder (Son of Odin and Frig),Cicero (Roman statesman and orator), Ariel,Buddy,Candy,Colin,Erica,Lindy,Louie,Randy,Robin,Zenia,Carl,Clay,Dean,Lacy,Ben,Ruby,Reed,Noel,LunaBud,Doe,Don,Lee,Axel,Brad,dona,Lance,
Animals and foods Adder,Crocodile,Caribou,Raccoon,Bronco,Condor,Dorado,Bruin,Cobia,Cobra,Crane,Indri,
celery,cereal,aloe,bran,cane,barley,aioli, bacon?
Future,Drugs,Science :
Druidical Aerodyne,Aileron,Airline,Android,,Codeine,Cryonic,Cyanide,,Inbreed,Lexicon,Nebular,Radioed,Cocaine,Corona,Cubiod,Dioxin,encode,Iodine,nebula,neural,Nuclei,,Uranic,breed,recode,
Esoteric/Occult: Draconic,Bedouin,Dreidel,Druidic,,Incubi,undead,,Idol,Lord,Libra,Nubia,Runic,rune,Yoni,Yule,celibacy,bardic,creed,Druid,Iliad,cairn,crone,diabolic,nereid,Oracle
ODD: Royal,Rebel,Berlin,Lucern,Blonde,Nordic,yulan,ebony, creole
And very odd (Arco, Exon -Oil Companies) EXCEL (microsoft?)
Very Odd: The U.S. Patent Office had on file the early design for HAARP by Bernard Eastlund, then chief scientist with ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Company). Eastlund aimed to burn gas from Alaskan oilfields to generate electricity and transfer that energy to California via an electromagnetic beam. For any remaining skeptics, consider how electricity is being transported by microwave.
Very Odd: The U.S. Patent Office had on file the early design for HAARP by Bernard Eastlund, then chief scientist with ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Company). Eastlund aimed to burn gas from Alaskan oilfields to generate electricity and transfer that energy to California via an electromagnetic beam. For any remaining skeptics, consider how electricity is being transported by microwave.
*Curriencies: High Strangeness
Ruble, (RUSSIA) Yuan, (CHINA) Rial, (IRAN) >>>> No Pound, No Dollar no Euro no Yen ???
* the word dinero does show up. This currency was historically the name of the Spanish dollar (SPAIN) and now has a Latin/currency association but is no longer a big player with the advent of the Euro.
SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2011 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011 WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.