Gregorian Date: December 5, 2010
328 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
748 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Mayan Calendar Portal today, dec. 5, is 11 Ben. today carries an intense connection with home and family.
Got ta let the reel of your mind un-spool b a b y.....
Polarazatiom, division of labor, special interest is all very interestinking
Becoming a specialist can blind one to the general madness that I'm speaking
No ordinary joes all must have a label attached to them and tags and codes
For thou art the commodity and the consumer ...Tell it!
We consume your awareness and keep you under our bushel basket
Stream of non consciousness ..........hum..........hum..........but wait! there's more bitch
The slaughter of the meaning of words
The reduction of vocabulary
The strangling of expression
Guttural text speak tribes hacking a new path foreword through the digital jungian jungle
One word to scare them all and in the terror bind them
I survey the noosphere seeking out the cool jet trails of the crystal ships
Vacuuming up some gregorian chants, some tibetan throat singing, and some aboriginal didgeridoo vibes to power my Inner dimensional journey.......
Shawn O'Neal © Copyright 2010 All Rights reserved.