Gregorian Date: December 2, 2010
330 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
750 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Correspondence with right honourable chaps. RE:
Hello Jan,I am wondering here... If you connect the tops of the two pyramids completely revealing the third inverted Pyramid you might have Nikola Tesla... "If you only understood the MAG- nif- IC- ence of the 3/Three The 6/Six and The 9/Nine you would have one of the keys to the Universe. And Understanding the Great Cycle of The Yugas would certainly qualify imho......
Jan Thulstrup
sorry to late responce, Hi Hippie and others, I just tried to connect some of the dots related to the precession on the average number 25920 and the comparison to what Sri Yukteswar Giri came up with.
"The long count view of the yuga cycle with its vast time scale was challenged by the 19th/20th-century Indian yogi Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, guru of Paramahansa Yogananda", I actuly did visit both of there Asrams back in 1991 on my "pilgrim tour" in India then, very exiting traveling indeed. Only there is this the Mayan count is ending up at the number 25625 on one great year, but then again as i recall it there's a lot of geomancy related to that as well and funny you mention Tesla, I 've been thinking on him lately and on Rodins coil too and the magnetic gravitation related.
"Rodins Coil" little tecnical, but shown here(stupid voicing sorry)
"The long count view of the yuga cycle with its vast time scale was challenged by the 19th/20th-century Indian yogi Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, guru of Paramahansa Yogananda", I actuly did visit both of there Asrams back in 1991 on my "pilgrim tour" in India then, very exiting traveling indeed. Only there is this the Mayan count is ending up at the number 25625 on one great year, but then again as i recall it there's a lot of geomancy related to that as well and funny you mention Tesla, I 've been thinking on him lately and on Rodins coil too and the magnetic gravitation related.
"Rodins Coil" little tecnical, but shown here(stupid voicing sorry)
No worries Jan, Good to hear from you. I am familiar with these concepts and expect the powers that be to release some of these technologies soon... These craft have exisited in the past (The Vimanas of the Vedas) and exit for some time now in black programs. It has been esimated by some that worked in these very compartmentalized projects that the exotic space program advances 40 years for every 1 year of NASA.
One curious thing is that the MAYA Calendar begins at 3114 BCE and the Vedic Calendar at 3102 BCE are very close for two different cultures an oceans apart and not supposed to be in contact. And The Time wave zero theory lines up pretty well with theseas relates to the 12/21/2012 date.. I believe that are refering to the precession of the equinoxes at somewhere between 25625 and 25,765 years.
And we are only talking about one Cycle of the 4 yugas. explains the enormity better.
And the MAYA were calculating out millions of years as well.
Now Tesla, imho Tesla was us(humanity) in the future. He told us everything we know about these quantum field, anti gravity matters but not everything He knew. One would have to accept that we are multidimensional beings in my version. Let's just say at the least he was "Light Years" ahead of us.
Added Knowledge provided by:
Millennium Twain Small Coils are of our Local Serpent Stars (lightyears distant), Large Coils are of our Local Serpent Stellar Streams (tens of lightyears distant)!