Gregorian Date: November 17, 2010
344 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
764 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Age
I know that some bloggers have written about how the tactics of Huxley's Brave New World in which people are controlled by Pleasure...and not pain are the same tactics used to control Americans while The Orwellian world view of "1984" continues to be used more and more to describe the increasingly distorted American experience....
I suspect that both methods are being used to control Americans....
The constant spying on people is a central theme in 1984....
Rewriting history is very important... Hello Digital Books..... And isn't it ironic that when all of those electronic book owners had a book "deleted" after they had purchased it because of a copyright issue that book was "1984".... but I digress.
Doublespeak is the coin of the Realm in 1984 and also in 2010.
Sexual Assault via Groping is now "Security" you WILL be conditioned.
Message: when Big Brother or Big Sis Gropes you it is keep you safe....
It is your Mind that is being FU*CKED.
War (perpetual war) is PEACE. And a war (terror) on Terror is a Perpetual War.
It Is your Mind that is being FU*CKED
It Is your Mind that is being FU*CKED
Yes , I AM trying to de-program you.
And From the Huxley school:
Happy Meal >>>>> Death in a Bun
The Real Thing >>>>> Aspartame now named Aminosweet
I watched a black and white movie last night. I saw the ancestors of the TSA rent a gropers.... "Night of the Living Dead" 1968 ! How did you guess?
They Grope you before they Devour Your Brain.
They Feast on your Fear .
Muhahahaha!, Muuuhaha, Muhahaha,haaa,haha !
Shawn O'Neal © 2010 Republish with credit granted.