Gregorian Date: November 10, 2010
351 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
771 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Day 6 of 10 days, Half Past Human Web Bot "Tipping Point" Point period.
Massive Wall Street-Bankster-Stimulus Fraud due to *TPTB-GOOD Plan Acceleration.....
All this unaccounted for money going where?
Those who understand the planetary cycles of repeated destruction of this planets great civilizations must have found out that they have less time to prepare for the next "end" and have had to speed up their plans... Speed means a lot more money a lot sooner...
Bailouts, false Housing Bubble...notice how this same group keeps starting a new bubble when whatever the current bubble is pops? The new bubble is FOOD....
They don't seem to care about the LAW anymore ...hmmmm Foreclosuregate.....
Remember "More TRANSparency in Government? That has become MORE TRANSfer of the top of the food chain....
Why destroy the middle class... ? because you won't need them anymore...
One World Government... a joke. on us. On the ones who don't have a pass off the planet or underground.... Because there is not enough time....One World Distraction
Now you know why all those extra satellites like WISE (Owl reference to Bohemian Grove) are looking at the SUN and that other Object....yeah, that one...
The one that gets blocked out on Google Sky, Microsoft, etc....
Why are all the space rocks, and objects headed our way are now Classified info?
You and me are on a need to know basis folks. I have not been contacted, have you?
Let's be practical here. The powers that be are convinced that the earth is going to be whacked. This seems to be a 3600 year or so cycle...
They want to preserve their control and re-emerge when it's safe.
They don't have room for all of us.
So why tell us and cause <MASS PANIC> Which get's in the way of their plans...
Survival isn't pretty.
So every Circus has it's side shows... That is why we keep having a manufactured crisis one after another...
This is just my opinion, I might be right.
*The Powers That Be - Get Out Of Dodge"
Shawn O'Neal © Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved.