Gregorian Date: October 21, 2010
372 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
792 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yugas/Ages)
Especially in the United States people are already on a massive scale deluded into thinking that they are free. Those with knowledge of the changing energies of the Mayan calendar will not be as easy to manipulate by fear, since they are aware of the wave movement of history.
- Carl Johan Calleman on the "Fifth Night" of the Mayan calendar
Creativity is born out of Chaos - The Shift from Chaos to the Enlightened World
large groups of people will however in the Sixth DAY break away from hierarchical control and guided by their intuition find a path towards increased wholeness. This is when the hierarchies will really start to break down, probably largely in a chaotic way. Yet, this is exactly the kind of chaos that is needed for the recreation of an Enlightened world.
The paradox to understand is that the very process that seems to break down the world economy and political dominance is also the one that paves the way for Enlightenment. The emergence of a fully enlightened collective state of consciousness can only thrive in a global consciousness that is balanced. This is because the imbalance that has been dominating humanity for some 5000 years has had its direct cause the dualist frame of consciousness that was ruling throughout this time.
In a sense we are talking about the emergence of an entirely new species of human beings. For the first time Enlightenment will take place in a balanced global creation field and this certainly will influence the depth and scope of the cosmic consciousness that may be attained.
-Carl Johan Calleman