Thursday, July 19, 2012

A bit of batwing and toads ear...


* (Z) The system approaching us coming out of the Kuiper Belt (Nibiru) is part of this equation, but this is manageable. However the Base Disk (Black Hole) holding our Galaxy in position below us is the real problem. All material known to us that was sent into it on an exploratory never returned. Ships or probes. We are approaching this at a very high rate of speed and the material is charged with a plasma UN-known to us. It is believed that the area which is commonly referred to as "the Rift" is multidimensionally polarized and thus our current systems will not function during the passage through it. The pulsed phasing alone would probably render most, if not all electronics inoperative and you can forget about all satellites. The speed or movement of the disk is not measurable and because of the angle of approach, it is believed we will skip off its surface several times before entry. The last geologic survey pertaining to a complete passage, or one full rotation around the central sun recorded a " World Quake," where all tectonic Plates shifted at the same time. It is believed that this event was caused by a Base Disk Impact. This is the real reason most of the Elite are nervous.

Toads ear:

notice comments about the central sun's path etc....

A drop of Mage's blood:

Hippie dust:

Now consider that many miserable and wretched people on this planet are not worried that the world is going to end in 2012 ....they are worried that it is going to continue on the way it's going>>>> PERSPECTIVE.

SHAWN O'NEAL © COPYRIGHT 2010-2012 REPUBLISH WITH ORIGINAL AUTHOR CREDIT .©UPSIDE DOWN WORLD REPORTS 2011  WWW.ROADSIDEMYSTIC.COMFAIR USE NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes