Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Musical Dark Age must end ~!~

Yeah so the Music BIZ....the whole notion BIZ...the money vipers...too much power in too few hands...1500? radio stations owned by one company? monoply anyone?
Why should the idea of making music that is POPular be the Norm?
American I Doll....
It's like we don't find talent  ,,, we make it up....
Is it art or a job?
Is it a creation or a formula?
What does it mean to be an artist right now?
If it's not commercial is it even art?
Tell you what,,, just paint what you feel what you see,,,with a brush or a keyboard or a guitar, without a care as to if any other human on this planet is digging it or not....
Make a future found object for someone...out there somewhere for someone that perhaps has not even been born yet...
Do it because you can, because it's your art, your unique expression of universe...
you'll be glad you did
Cheers Peace and Love ~!~