Tuesday, November 30, 2010
From the heart of Radha, the divine feminine you appear ..with the color of a dark raincloud your causeless mercy revives my withered soul... Your lotus petal eyes enchant all of creation which dances within your Universal form. You are the singularity, and the radiance.
13-Moon Date: Moon 5 Day 16
Gregorian Date: November 30, 2010
Day of the Yellow Lunar Warrior
331 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
751 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Gregorian Date: November 30, 2010
Day of the Yellow Lunar Warrior
331 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
751 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
The 2/Two Tracks: Which Track Are We On?
WAR CRIMINALS kill massive amounts of people. They are Criminals.
The War on "Terrorism" is not a war on a person. It is a war on your Mind.
The main weapon is FEAR. TERRORISM! (see what i mean)
Understanding The 2/Two Tracks: 11 ( symbol for two parallel tracks)
Track 1/One: is the existing legal criminal justice system supported by enormous histories of established case law (their own Book). This will be maintained by and for the ruling Neo Fascist Elite and those favored by them. Innocent until proven guilty is the core principle.
Track 2/Two: Is the new Patriot act system created post sept. 2001 which
is for everyone else although it starts out being for "International terrorists" it is then expanded to include "domestic terrorists".
Which includes anyone outside of the plan by and for the Neo Fascist Elite. Guilty until proven innocent is the core principle.
As Saul Alinsky has said: “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this."
So Track Two is the way around the Supreme Law of the land.
The Solution.
A citizen Railroaded onto Track 2/Two can no longer access the
constitutional justice on Track 1/One. Divide and Conquer.
They no longer have to live up to their own book.
Red State Blue State who do we Appreciate?
It took some real Devilish Machiavellian genuis to come up with this plan.
Clever Devils Indeed.
Terrorists? No. Criminals ? Hell Yes.
Shawn O'Neal © Copyright 2010 Republish with Credit.
Monday, November 29, 2010
13-Moon Date: Moon 5 Day 15
Gregorian Date: November 29, 2010
332 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
752 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
The energy fields around this planet such as the magnetosphere are getting more unstable as we approach 2012- 2013 solar flares also being a major concern...
looks like the winds of change are starting to howl.........
Gregorian Date: November 29, 2010
332 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
752 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
The energy fields around this planet such as the magnetosphere are getting more unstable as we approach 2012- 2013 solar flares also being a major concern...
We are all energy as is everything we see, and feel. Vibrating. and the planet is spinning....etc.
All these various electric fields interact with each other to form actions and reactions.
And we have a lot of magnetism in our brains.... Solar storms could have a more marked influence on our minds...if they are large solar CME'S (CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS) ....who knows
Hopefully not a mass Zombie Apocalypse event .....riiiiight
Or a mass stupidity event that causes very bad things to happen that even a Zombie could not make happen. Night of the total idiots! does not S O U N D scary....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
13-Moon Date: Moon 5 Day 14
Gregorian Date: November 28, 2010
Galactic Overlay: White Cosmic Wizard
333 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
753 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Gregorian Date: November 28, 2010
Galactic Overlay: White Cosmic Wizard
333 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
753 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Each one of us has a great sword of truth within us , a light saber of infinite consciousness.This light saber can be used to cut through the worldly web of illusion that we are caught up in. But only if we know how to wield it. No material weapon can defeat it. This Light Sabre is kept within the Ark. The Arc of spiritual consciousness between us and the Creator of all that is. The energy that powers and animates us and all consciousness. When we align our intentions with those of the Creator of all that is, we are able to grasp this Light Saber, The Hammer of God . The KingdOM of God is within You. Amen.
Shawn O'Neal © कोप्य्रिघ्त २०१०
Saturday, November 27, 2010
13-Moon Date: Moon 5 Day 13
Gregorian Date: November 27, 2010
334 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
754 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Just say no to Franken -Salmon!
AMERIKA, Land of the Fleeced and Home of the Brave.
DeMockracy is the New Neo-Fascism! Just ask BP and the TSA.
Conspiracy and Mind Control - It's what's for breakfast, Lunch, and dinner !
The Definition of Conspiracy (Cons-Piracy) is:
So with around 6.5 billion people on Earth do you think their are any conspiracies going on?
Hell yes. And we all know it.
Wikipedia Definition of Mind Control is:
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated".
I ask you have you ever coerced, persuaded, abused, or tried to control, change or reform the mind of others?
Hell Yes You Have ! We are All in the mind control game .
So we're all involved in some kind of mind control conspiracy until proven otherwise.
Problem: We can't arrest 6.5 Billion People.
Solution: Politics
Shawn O'Neal © Copyright 2010
Gregorian Date: November 27, 2010
334 days till Oct. 28, 2011 - Calleman Alternative Mayan End Date
754 days till Dec. 21, 2012 - Conventional Mayan End Date
426,750 Years till the end of the Vedic Age of Kali Yuga (Cycle of 4 Yuga's/Ages)
Just say no to Franken -Salmon!
AMERIKA, Land of the Fleeced and Home of the Brave.
DeMockracy is the New Neo-Fascism! Just ask BP and the TSA.
Conspiracy and Mind Control - It's what's for breakfast, Lunch, and dinner !
The Definition of Conspiracy (Cons-Piracy) is:
[kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA
–noun, plural -cies.
the act of conspiring.
an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
Law . an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.
I add # 6. two or more people that form a shadow government above the established government.
So with around 6.5 billion people on Earth do you think their are any conspiracies going on?
Hell yes. And we all know it.
Wikipedia Definition of Mind Control is:
Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, mind abuse, thought control, or thought reform) refers to a process in which a group or individual "systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated".
I ask you have you ever coerced, persuaded, abused, or tried to control, change or reform the mind of others?
Hell Yes You Have ! We are All in the mind control game .
So we're all involved in some kind of mind control conspiracy until proven otherwise.
Problem: We can't arrest 6.5 Billion People.
Solution: Politics
Shawn O'Neal © Copyright 2010